Strawberries: Home Grown in Hanging Baskets

Do you grow strawberries? Ripe, sweet, juicy strawberries are the number one favorite fruit in the US and are definitely worth the garden space. However, if you have a small or limited growing space, raising strawberries in hanging baskets offers a creative and space-saving solution while adding a decorative touch…

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Square Foot Gardening

Square foot gardening is a highly efficient method that maximizes space, minimizes waste, and simplifies the gardening process. Mel Bartholomew popularized it in his book “Square Foot Gardening,” which was first published in 1981. Since then, it has gained widespread acclaim for its simplicity and productivity. Still widely used and…

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Great Gifts for Mom

Spring is the perfect gardening season and as Mother’s Day approaches right at the height of spring, why not celebrate Mom with a gardening gift? The garden center is packed with great gifts for Mom that are ideal for Mother’s Day, birthdays, or any occasion to tell Mom just how…

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Attracting Ladybugs to the Garden

Ladybugs are arguably one of the most beneficial insects in a garden. They help plants stay healthy by controlling detrimental pests like aphids and mites without having to resort to chemical pesticides. Food is what attracts ladybugs and keeps them in the garden. Insects and pollen are their preferred cuisine….

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